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How to make wifi hotspot in windows 7, 8, and 10 without any software?

Now a day’s no one wants to connect with wire in sharing of internet or anything. If we have to use internet from one pc to other pc then we have use third party software to create wifi hotspot for connecting other pc or generally connecting mobile phones.

                             This guide will help you to use internet sharing with fast wifi connection without any software. It is also known as Virtual Wireless Adapter.
Steps for making Virtual Wireless Adapter.
Step 1.
Click on start button type “command prompt”.
In windows 10 press window key + x and click command prompt (Admin).

Step 2.
Right click on it and click on run as administrator.(windows7 do same in windows 8. But preview is different.)
Step 3.
Press “yes” and command prompt will open.
Step 4.
Command prompt type “netsh wlan set hostednetwork
mode=allow ssid=creator key=password” and hit enter. But still that is in offline mode.
(NOTE:- You can change ssid name and key as you want)
Step 5.
If your hosted network is created successfully. Then type again “netsh wlan start hostednetwork”.
Now share your internet connection with your created virtual hotspot.
Step 1.
Open control panel goto Network Sharing Center.

Step 2.
Click on internet connected network.
Step 3.
Click on properties.

Step 4.
Click on “Sharing” tab and check Allow other network user to connect through this computer’s internet connection.”

Step 5.
Select “Wireless network connection 2” and also check “Allow other network user to control or disable the share internet connection” and press ok then close.

Step 6.
Now time to turn off your wifi. Type in command prompt (run as administrator)   “netsh wlan stop hostednetwork”
Enjoy! You have done now get your internet connection in your other devices without and wire and any third software

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